
An update blog for

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

NumberFormat - Update September 21, 2004

numberFormatPage2.html - In the Advanced Try It, I added a code output text area that shows the code being called based on the settings.

Change things like the currency settings or negative output, and watch the code change after clicking Try It.

Can also open up the full code in a new window by checking the box "Open full code example in new window". That will include the top-to-bottom syntax based on the same Try It settings.

2004-09-24 - Originally the pop-up example showed syntax that would format the number on the page load. I changed it so if someone tries that code, there will be a text box and button, and clicking the button will format the number that's in the text box.

posted by Keith [9/21/2004 02:18:00 AM] - permalink - 0 comments

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