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Saturday, September 24, 2005

How Tall


A list of celebrity heights.

I had a list of 'how tall' stats I put together several years ago. It wasn't very comprehensive, but today I decided to publish it at To make the page somewhat useful I describe a little bit about the sources and some other places to find celeb height information.


In the mredkj 'how tall' page, I explain how you can use Google to get a famous person's height. For the most part it works, and the top result is specially formatted answer.

I've read variations of this trick at other sites (e.g. The keywords they recommend are height or tall, which is a little simpler than my suggestion of how tall is.

The one problem I've found is the different keywords aren't always consistent. Here's an example.

The following Google search will return only normal search results.
tall Michael Moore
height Michael Moore

Yet this will give the special Google top answer.
how tall is Michael Moore
Michael Moore (II) — Height: 5' 11½" (1.82 M)
According to - More sources »

posted by Keith [9/24/2005 03:02:00 PM] - permalink - 1 comments

1 comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous wrote:

the site you mentioned stole the idea (note they even use the word pygmies in the header?) from the U.S. site, which has been around longer and isn't just an excuse to make some cash off of ads. We'll be expanding our listings soon.

Oh, and we also take the whole thing a lot less seriously than they do. In other words, we have fun with it!

Posted [5/18/2006 04:47:00 PM]  

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